

Thursday 31 January 2013

Jan 31st transformational geometry text & sketchpad

2D Transformational Geometry

  1. Translation (Slide)
  2. Reflection (Flip)
  3. Rotation (Turn)
Complete Do You Remember pg.227 Q1-9

Today's work:

On your netbooks, go to Numeracy and open Geometer's Sketchpad.  Plot triangle with the following coordinates A(3,4)  B(1,1)  C(5,1)
  • translate (slide) triangle ABC 5 units left, 3 units down; plot new triangle & new coordinates
  • reflect (flip) triangle ABC in y-axis (vertical) and in x-axis (horizontal); plot new triangle & new coordinates
  • rotate (turn) triangle ABC counter-clockwise 180 degrees; plot new triangle & new coordinates