

Wednesday 26 November 2014


Patterns/Relationships Team Task

Use linking cubes to build 4 figures, each growing, each including the previous figure within it.

Represent these figures on a Table of Values: i.e. figure #, #yellow cubes, #green cubes, total cubes.  

Identify the relationship between figure# and #cubes.

Express relationships using algebraic rule.

Use rule to calculate any other figure# without extending table.

Follow example:

Healthy Living: Screen-Time Addiction & Sedentary Lifestyle

Save your MovieMaker project as a .wmv file  (click save project as, recommended for this project, title, windows movie video file)

Upload to St Simon YouTube channel.  Enter title, first names, description.  See current uploaded example.

Novel Study: Little Prince vs Fox, Train Switchman, Merchant, Pilot

Life becomes meaningful/serves a purpose when we establish positive and unique relationships, bonds, connections with people and things.

We cannot live a monotonous, mechanical life that lacks meaning in which we are spinning our wheels travelling no where.

We are to interact with others with an open heart not with our eyes that can't see beyond the superficial (outer layer).

Although relationships are susceptible to sadness and difficulty, they enable us to love, care, grow and ultimately make us better people.

It's suggested that as we grow, we tend to veer off path and drift about aimlessly looking for meaning, purpose, a goal.

We do not realize that true beauty lies hidden within a shell - our eyes are blind, we need to look with our hearts.  Virtues like "loyalty" are intangible, not always visible but hidden within the secret depths of a person or the "tenderness of smiling faces".

As we mature from child to adolscent to adult to senior, it's suggested that we always maintain our innocence, imagination, creativity, curiosity and wonder that is often forgotten or replaced by what we consider to be more important values.