

Tuesday 4 December 2012

dec 3 language, math, science, french

1. Find sheet music for guitar, piano, drum, sax, clarinet parts of Jingle Bell Rock for concert

2. Small Steps novel study: come prepared with your ideas so you can effectively work on the team task below first thing tomorrow morning.  
Small Steps Team Task

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something important in common. The word metaphor itself is a metaphor, coming from a Greek word meaning to "transfer" or "carry across." Metaphors "carry" meaning from one word, image, or idea to another.

Armpit feels that the way to turn his life around is to set goals for himself. His five goals are: graduate from high school; get a job; save money; avoid violent situations; and lose the name Armpit.

Armpit’s counsellor said that his life would be like walking upstream in a rushing river.  The secret was to take small steps and just keep moving forward.  If he tried to take too big a step, the current would knock him off his feet and carry him back downstream.
Instructions: Use your own ideas and possible real-life experiences as examples to explain the meaning of this metaphor.

3. Math 5.4
4. Science
Science: Solutes & Solvents
Solution: a mix of 2 or more kinds of particles; one particle dissolves into the other particle
Every solution is made up of 2 parts: a solute and a solvent
Solute – small part of a solution; Solvent – large part of a solution
i.e. ice tea powder (solute) dissolves into larger part water (solvent)
cocoa powder (solute) dissolves into larger part warm milk (solvent)
besides water, other solvents include:
·        turpentine (paint from paint brush dissolves into turpentine rendering them clean)
·        ethanol (perfumes/fragrances)
·        ethyl acetate (nail polish)
these above solvents are used because water will not dissolve the pure substances used to create paint/nail/perfume solutions.
Air is a gas solution made up of other gases including nitrogen, argon, oxygen, carbon dioxide, contaminants/impurities from pollution.
i.e. car tailpipe emissions (solute) dissolving into air (solvent)
i.e. plastic chemicals in can’s liner (solute) dissolve into water/canned fruits/veggies (solvent)
Lake Ontario which provides us with drinking water is a solvent because all the by-products (waste) of living gets dissolved into it but are filtered/purified out of it by our filtration plants along Lakeshore Blvd.
Waste: household sewage, products poured down drain, industrial waste
salt minerals (solute) dissolved in ocean water (solvent) state: liquid
chemical fragrances (solute) dissolved in air mass (solvent) state: gas
zinc (solute) dissolved in copper (solvent) state: solid metal

5. French: on va finir les presentations des cartes biographiques.  tout le monde va presenter demain!