

Wednesday 27 November 2013



Working collaboratively and constructively in groups of 4 maximum, your task is to research, design and create a geometric stained glass window to fill any size window at St. Simon.  Your design will be symmetrical and will include a variety of angles and shapes that have been rotated and reflected.  You will also photograph your process at various stages of development and showcase it on Prezi or MovieMaker.

Success Criteria:
- research images of stained glass windows
- browse through geometric art samples provided
- research stained glass window templates, how they are created
- identify points of symmetry that show balance/proportion
- identify shapes: triangles, trapezoids, paraellograms, hexagons, squares
- identify any angles: right, acute, obtuse
- identify any shape transformations: flips, turns
- incorporate these ideas into a prototype design using manipulatives (shape blocks) or computer software (Geometer's Sketchpad, PowerPoint shapes, Paint.Net)  Geometer's Sketchpad free download link 
- measure actual window to be fitted, record specifications
check fitting, make necessary adjustments 
- netbook, protractor, metre stick/measuring tape, colored cellophane, black bristol board for frame/skeleton

Di Croce Teams:
1.  Matthew, Christian, Meagan, Sarah
2.  Michael, Beatriz, Alona, Colin
3.  David, Jessica, Rebecca, Giulia
4.  Melissa, Austin, Johan, Jaden
5.  Sophia, Alexia, Gabby, Jorel
6.  Miranda, Isabelle, Dale, Camilla
7.  Juan, Cynthia, Martin, Kevin

Tassone Teams:
1.  Carter, Jessica, Nicholas, Hillary
2.  Nicole, Jacob, Adam, Victoria R.
3.  Isabella, Renzo, Cosimo, Julian
4.  Victoria C., Daniel, Manny, Olivia
5.  Madeline, Nathaly, Pauline, Raquel
6.  Cristina, Emily, Mario, Leo