

Sunday 3 March 2013

Mar 4 Substitute Agenda

Concetta/Sofia/Gabby/Franny kindly take care of the following:

  • attendance
  • collect any additional ski trip forms/money from Astudillo/Vago and put in my office mailbox
  • tell Arron Madore he overpaid by 50$
  • Rachel B. and Siniece G. both need pg.1 "parental approval-all excursions" (backside of cover letter) signed/returned
  • Michael V. needs all forms completed/signed

Instrumental Music


Novel Study Task 1
Students are to continue creating a movie trailer for The Breadwinner started this past Thursday.

Novel Study Task 2
Read this excerpt from the story:

It was time to leave. Suddenly, just as the truck was ready to pull out onto the road, Shauzia appeared.
"You made it!" Parvana said, hugging her friend.
"Goodbye, Parvana," Shauzia said. She handed Parvana a bag of dried apricots. "I'm leaving soon, too. I met some nomads who will take me to Pakistan as a shepherd. I'm not waiting until next spring. It would be too lonely here without you."
Parvana didn't want to say goodbye. "When will we see each other again?" she asked in a panic. "How will we keep in touch?"
"I've got it all figured out," Shauzia said. "We'll meet again on the first day of spring, twenty years from now."
"All right. Where?"
"The top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I told you I was going to France."
Parvana laughed. "I'll be there," she said. "We won't say goodbye, then. We'll just say so long for now."
"Until next time," Shauzia said.
Parvana hugged her friend one last time, then climbed into the truck. They waved to each other as the truck rolled away.
Twenty years from now, Parvana thought. What would happen in those twenty years? Would she still be in Afghanistan? Would Afghanistan finally have peace? Would she go back to school, have a job, be married?

The future stretched unknown down the road in front of her. Her mother was somewhere ahead with her sisters and her brother, but what else they would find, Parvana had no idea. Whatever it was, she felt ready for it. She even found herself looking forward to it.

Create a reunion between Parvana & Shauzia in France at the Eiffel Tower as they planned.  Predict what it would be like and what they would say to each other.  The group of your choice can use MovieMaker, Prezi, a comic strip template, recorded narrated dialogue - up to you, just be creative and use your imagination!  Write dialogue in the 1st person point of view "I" (Parvana speaking, Shauzia speaking) and address this criteria:
  1. What memories of their experiences in Afghanistan do you think they would share and reminisce about?
  2. What do think they would share about their own life experiences after being apart for so long?

12.20-12.35 Substitute on JK Duty

Continue working on novel study tasks.

Math 7.6 text pg.248-9
Using Geometer's Sketchpad on your netbooks or graph paper/pencil crayons, select any 1 pentomino below from F thru Z to create your own tessellation.  Determine if your pentamino can be transformed (translated/slid, rotated/turned and/or reflected/flipped) to create a tessellation like the one below created using pentamino N.