

Thursday 6 September 2012

novel follow-up 2

Novel Study: Reading


Tuck Everlasting Vocabulary Development

Prologue & Chapter 1

Write a synonym(s) for the underlined word in context used by author:

1.   balmy spring, and those that follow a drop to the chill of autumn

2.   sunsets smeared with too much color

3.   August is motionless, and hot

4.   there is lightning, but it quivers all alone

5.   suggesting tranquil bovine picnics: slow chewing and thoughtful contemplation of the infinite

6.   uncomfortably hot, the dust oppressive

7.   not wise enough to know that they possessed

8.   in spite of the pebbles piled there to conceal it

9.   a disaster so immense that this weary old earth


A key quote from chapter 1 is “Nothing ever seems interesting when it belongs to you—only when it doesn't.”  Do you agree with this idea, why or why not and can you make any connections to it?

In chapter 2 we are introduced to the Tucks – how do the personalities of Mr & Mrs Tuck differ?   Why do you think this is so?

geography mental maps relative location

math 1.1 corrections & homework

u1 numeracy: do you remember & 1.1 factors & multiples
corrections below:

sept 6 reminders

  • novel study follow-up 2 (vocab/chp1&2 questions); as discussed, after 3 follow-ups, I will collect them all
  • math factoring pg.12-13 up to question 14
  • continue working on your summer highlights prezi; a rubric will follow tomorrow as we discussed
  • bring in usb to download novel pdf - if you have pdf on stick, continue reading chapter 3
  • french title page