

Monday 21 May 2012

Week of May 21st

Bring in your laptops this week to work on your novel study reading task. 
Below is the checklist you and your partner will follow to complete a successful Prezi, Pixie or PPT:
  1. did we use a combination of text, images and video?
  2. did we include a brief description of the author, her works and literature genre?
  3. did we include 2 key characters from the Capitol and the Districts with supporting personality traits?
  4. did we include 1 key dramatic scene with corresponding image and caption from text?
  5. did we include 1 key action scene with corresponding image and caption from text?
  6. did we include our personal opinions, likes, dislikes about both the story and its characters to promote the novel to someone who is unfamiliar with it?
  7. did we include 1 key lesson you can take from the novel and apply in your everyday life?