

Tuesday 2 October 2012

oct 3 dispersal list

bucci: barranca, bermudez, brideau
banyai: bunsie, ceolin, de buglio, wiggan
de caria: de ciantis, eriamiatoe
pedace: giacona, guzman
aprile: hawil, jimenez
linowski: louvado, marcucci
urbani: morin, noce
ulatowska: oskooei, pasqua
addante: ross, sampogna
bertossi: sicari, todd
tassone: tran, vidiri

this is a great opportunity to complete tasks that were not handed in for a grade and/or tuesday's tasks. 

no switching rooms, be good :)

oct 2 geography

A Sense of Place pg.16-17
1. Identify 2 recognizable landmarks that define each place:

Toronto, Ontario
Montreal, Quebec
Vancouver, British Columbia
Ottawa, Ontario
Calgary, Alberta
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Quebec City, Quebec
New York City
Washington, DC
Rome, Italy
Paris, France
London, England
Giza, Egypt
Agra, India
Athens, Greece
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2. Identify any 6 key neighborhoods or cultural/recreational districts in our city of Toronto that would be a tourist destination:


due friday oct 5th

oct 2 reading task

In chapter 17 Miles says:

"The way I see it, it's no good hiding yourself away, like Pa and lots of other people. And it's no good just thinking of your own pleasure, either. People got to do something useful if they're going to take up space in the world."

Use ideas from this text and your own ideas/opinions to answer the following:
  • Do you think it’s important to make a difference in the world today?  
  • What people do you think make a positive impact on the world today? 
  • What do you do in the school to make a difference? 
  • What kind of difference would you like to make in the future?
due friday oct 5th