

Monday 15 December 2014


In chapter one, we are introduced to two different gangs and a variety of different characters. 

How do you picture each of them in your mind?  Use your own thoughts and words to define what type of person they are to you as a reader.

Work collaboratively with one partner on this task.

For example:

Ponyboy gives me the impression that he is a good-hearted, sensitive teenager. I don't think he is like the rest of the gang.  Although he's a Greaser, I don't think he's the typical gang member.  I can't imagine him involved in any kind of violence or trouble with the law.  I feel he is better than that.  He seems scholarly, artistic and gentle.  I think he would be a loyal, true friend.  He seems like he really would like to please his older brother, Darry, who is a father-figure to him.  He seems to understand, respect and like his gang members but makes me think he has more potential than any of them.

Your impressions of:
-The Greasers
-The Socials (Socs)
-Dallas (Dally) Winston
-Soda Pop
-Two Bit Mathews

Area of complex shapes involving trapezoids, parallelograms, triangles, rectangles and squares:

complete 3 & 4

Check out 
SSLN 2014: Flip Math Design Project - Co-constructing the Computer Lab @ St. Andre