

Tuesday 5 April 2016

April 5

science lab: structural failure by temperature pg.306-7

language: novel study mystery elements making connections submit and vocabulary work on

corrections.  continue working on next sheet 54-59

Monday 4 April 2016

April 4

Novel Study:
Making connections to text.  Assigned last week.
A gripping mystery novel usually involves many elements, such as:
·       Suspenseful events
·       A crew of curious and determined problem solvers
·       Collecting clues, analyzing evidence
·       Conflicting testimonies from credible, hostile or surprise witnesses
·       Unexpected twists
·       Drawing logical conclusions, passing judgements
·       Making sure justice is served
·       Not convicting an innocent person
·       Not allowing a guilty person off the hook

With a partner, write about a similar situation (i.e. from a fav tv episode or movie) that involved ANY of the above mystery elements.

continue with pg.51 questions 47-53
corrections to this point below: