

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Sept 10

Geography Place & Location Task
  1. Select any place in Toronto or the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) that is of interest to you.
  2. Draw a relative map of its location.  It should be enclosed within a quadrant with street boundaries to the north, south, west and east of it.
  3. What community within the city does it belong to?
  4. Provide specific directions to get there from St. Simon via car, public transit, walking and/or cycling.
  5. Describe the place.  Is it part of residential complex, commercial/business park, industrial area, communal/cultural meeting place, recreational/conservation area, governmental buildings, spiritual/religious, or a tourist destination/attraction?
  6. Do you think the location of this place makes sense?  Questions to consider when answering this question:  What reasons do you think an urban planner located it there?  Is it easily accessible?  What surrounds it?  Do you think the places/things that surround it complement its function?
  7. Why is it of interest or special to you?  
  8. Does its name have any significance?

Math Factors & Multiples corrections:

Math homework above.
Summer Prezis continue tomorrow.
Begin working on Geography independently or with 1 partner.
Check novel study sample response from class today with your response.