

Thursday 18 December 2014


Novel Study: The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
Chapter 2

Both Ponyboy and Two-Bit clarify the real difference between the Greasers and the Socials to Cherry and Marcia.  What is it and if you had to choose a side, which would you pick?  Explain with supporting reasons.

Would you agree with Cherry’s counter statements that the Greasers are “not innocent” and that “things are rough all over”?  Explain with supporting reasons.

Science Lab6: Concentration vs Solubility pg.42-44
Key Ideas:

A concentrated solution contains more solute particles than solvent particles.  For example, frozen orange juice pulp (solute) less than water (solvent) volume; if you add more water then OJ will become a dilute solution.

concentration formula: mass of solute divided by 100ml of solvent

A saturated solution is a solution in which no more solute can be dissolved.  For example, sugar (solute) vs coffee (solvent).  The volume of coffee in cup can dissolve only a certain amount of sugar - once that maximum point is reached, you have a saturated solution.  If there is still room to dissolve more sugar, then you have an unsaturated solution.

solubility formula: maximum mass of solute that can be dissolved divided by 100ml of solvent.

"Try This" on pg.44 is your Lab.  This will be submitted by end of 1st week back from holidays.

Tuesday 16 December 2014


Area of complex shapes continued below + follow-up practice in textbook:

Wrap up:
  • Geography "Movement" Prezi or Emaze to present Wednesday
  • Novel Study Outsiders Chp.1 Characters
  • e-mail Little Prince movie poster to post 

Monday 15 December 2014


In chapter one, we are introduced to two different gangs and a variety of different characters. 

How do you picture each of them in your mind?  Use your own thoughts and words to define what type of person they are to you as a reader.

Work collaboratively with one partner on this task.

For example:

Ponyboy gives me the impression that he is a good-hearted, sensitive teenager. I don't think he is like the rest of the gang.  Although he's a Greaser, I don't think he's the typical gang member.  I can't imagine him involved in any kind of violence or trouble with the law.  I feel he is better than that.  He seems scholarly, artistic and gentle.  I think he would be a loyal, true friend.  He seems like he really would like to please his older brother, Darry, who is a father-figure to him.  He seems to understand, respect and like his gang members but makes me think he has more potential than any of them.

Your impressions of:
-The Greasers
-The Socials (Socs)
-Dallas (Dally) Winston
-Soda Pop
-Two Bit Mathews

Area of complex shapes involving trapezoids, parallelograms, triangles, rectangles and squares:

complete 3 & 4

Check out 
SSLN 2014: Flip Math Design Project - Co-constructing the Computer Lab @ St. Andre

Friday 12 December 2014



Gas prices have recently dropped significantly from $129.9 to $100.9 just today.
If your family drives a Honda Civic with a combined city/highway fuel consumption of 7.5L/100km (50L fuel tank) and drives a total distance of 1,000kms how much would you save in terms of:
-money? (how much “extra” $ in wallet now?)
-gas tanks?
Do you think this drop would prompt Torontonians to drive more (avoid TTC) and further i.e. take a road trip?

**Round up to $1.30/L and $1.01/L**

compact fuel-efficient car vs sport utility crossover vehicle

Wednesday 10 December 2014


  • wrap-up Little Prince movie poster and e-mail to
  • continue working on Geography Movement Prezi/Emaze; by now, you should have the broad topic, your specific focus and 3 big ideas to showcase using combination of text, images and a supporting video.
  • catch up with your math corrections and complete 5.6 area of complex shapes:

Tuesday 9 December 2014


Geography: Movement pg.48-70

Topics to consider exploring in a group of 2:

  • Commuting in Toronto: public transit (bus/subway/streetcar), car (highways, main arteries), train (via/go), air (pearson/island airports), Mayor John Tory's plan to relieve congestion/gridlock
  • Electronic movement of information in the 21st century
  • International trade: land, air, sea freight of goods consumed
  • Natural movments: earthquake, landslide, erosion, tsunami, typhoon, tornado, hurricane.
  • Migration of people in/out of city: suburban vs urban development
  • Migration of animals 

Monday 8 December 2014


Work collaboratively to create a movie poster for our novel study of The Little Prince.  Download "movie letters" font from   Follow the template and example below: