

Thursday 18 December 2014


Novel Study: The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
Chapter 2

Both Ponyboy and Two-Bit clarify the real difference between the Greasers and the Socials to Cherry and Marcia.  What is it and if you had to choose a side, which would you pick?  Explain with supporting reasons.

Would you agree with Cherry’s counter statements that the Greasers are “not innocent” and that “things are rough all over”?  Explain with supporting reasons.

Science Lab6: Concentration vs Solubility pg.42-44
Key Ideas:

A concentrated solution contains more solute particles than solvent particles.  For example, frozen orange juice pulp (solute) less than water (solvent) volume; if you add more water then OJ will become a dilute solution.

concentration formula: mass of solute divided by 100ml of solvent

A saturated solution is a solution in which no more solute can be dissolved.  For example, sugar (solute) vs coffee (solvent).  The volume of coffee in cup can dissolve only a certain amount of sugar - once that maximum point is reached, you have a saturated solution.  If there is still room to dissolve more sugar, then you have an unsaturated solution.

solubility formula: maximum mass of solute that can be dissolved divided by 100ml of solvent.

"Try This" on pg.44 is your Lab.  This will be submitted by end of 1st week back from holidays.