

Thursday 31 January 2013


Health - being physically active / nutrition

Participaction videos:



[a] MEAL PLAN: retrieve (online or from the store) nutritional information for McDonald or Tim Hortons or other restaurant. Create a healthy meal plan. Ask yourself:
·       What would I eat if I wanted to be healthy?
·       If you had to purchase healthy lunch, breakfast OR dinner at either one of these restaurants, how would you ensure that it would contain a healthy balance of proteins, carbs, sugar, salt, fats, calories, etc...
·       Include the nutritional information!!

[b] YOUR OWN ‘PARTICIPACTION’ BROCHURE: create an advertising brochure for physical activity for kids / teens. Ask yourself:
·       How can I make physical activity seem ‘cool’ and interesting? Appealing to young people?
·       Use Microsoft Publisher or Windows MovieMaker

[c] POWERPOINT POSTER: create a poster on Powerpoint advertising the benefits of physical activity and / or healthy eating. Ask yourselves the same questions as from option [b]
·       Create a SLOGAN for your Powerpoint ‘virtual’ poster
·       Healthy eating habits, active living OR both
·       Pretend you are advertising agency