

Wednesday 14 January 2015


The Outsiders: Robert Frost Poem
Gold is a precious metal and a material possession.  Valuable possessions and money, depending on how they are managed, can easily come and easily go. 

Nature is equally precious and holds value.  A flower blossom is pure and beautiful like a new born baby.  Creation needs to be valued, not destroyed over time.

Like gold and Mother Nature, Ponyboy & Johnny’s youth and innocence are precious – but they do not last.  They have become corrupted by negative influences (i.e. senseless gang warfare).  They need to “stay gold” and make good, sensible age-appropriate life choices.

The Little Prince commented that grown-ups have lost their imagination, creativity and sense of wonder.  They have become corrupted with facts, figures, “matters of consequence” and have lost touch with the innocent child they once were.

We are asked to live and appreciate all stages in our life to the fullest, because they will come and go. 

Integers: pg.199 #14,15