

Wednesday 12 November 2014


Novel Study: The Little Prince

The Flower:

  • she is vain, not modest/humble
  • she plays the victim, fakes cough to make Little Prince feel guilty
  • she's too proud, has a superior attitude, makes high-maintenance demands
  • all this masks her sensitivity, insecurity and vulnerability
  • she eventually expresses her feelings/love to the Prince but he doesn't know how to deal with it and leaves her since at one point he thought she wasn't truthful
  • what life lessons do you think could be learned from this encounter?

The King:
  • he is an absolute monarch: his authority/power has no limit
  • he prides himself on giving orders that are reasonable and can be easily fulfilled
  • he is absurd and lonely: he wants to make Little Prince his right-hand to be judge, jury and executioner of the rat on planet, yet continuously pardon it since its the only one they have
  • what life lessons do you think could be learned from this encounter?

Little Prince
  • open-minded, creative
  • surprised by grown-ups that are narrow-minded, lack imagination
  • he asks questions about that which is invisible or not tangible
  • he is inquisitive and believes in exploring