

Thursday 13 December 2012

dec 13 novel study

1.  What do you think is the meaning behind Kaira DeLeon's song lyric you reflect on your reflection, but you will never see, your imperfection is your finest quality?  What would you say is one of your imperfections that in certain situations is actually a positive?

2.  What is the real difference between Ginny and her father?  Why is this difference ironic?

3.  Use Spelling City link to practice the following vocabulary:
  • seizure
  • maneuvered
  • frazzled
  • exclaimed
  • therapy
  • undoubtedly
  • gourd
  • flexible
  • knowingly
4.  Why does Armpit point out that just because some people have tattoos and piercings it doesn't necessarily make them crazy?  Would you agree with his point?