

Thursday, 27 November 2014


Little Prince 1974 Movie link:

Using the qualities the Little Prince wishes remain intact and never forgotton within you throughout your life, namely: 

  • innocence, imagination, creativity, natural curiosity, sense of wonder, care and love towards others, establishing positive relationships, appreciating that which is not tangible 
write him a personal, heartfelt letter (1st person point of view, "I").  
What would you say to him?


example to follow:

transfer your table of values, algebraic rules, calculations, linking cube manipulatives onto chart paper neatly prior to filming

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


Patterns/Relationships Team Task

Use linking cubes to build 4 figures, each growing, each including the previous figure within it.

Represent these figures on a Table of Values: i.e. figure #, #yellow cubes, #green cubes, total cubes.  

Identify the relationship between figure# and #cubes.

Express relationships using algebraic rule.

Use rule to calculate any other figure# without extending table.

Follow example:

Healthy Living: Screen-Time Addiction & Sedentary Lifestyle

Save your MovieMaker project as a .wmv file  (click save project as, recommended for this project, title, windows movie video file)

Upload to St Simon YouTube channel.  Enter title, first names, description.  See current uploaded example.

Novel Study: Little Prince vs Fox, Train Switchman, Merchant, Pilot

Life becomes meaningful/serves a purpose when we establish positive and unique relationships, bonds, connections with people and things.

We cannot live a monotonous, mechanical life that lacks meaning in which we are spinning our wheels travelling no where.

We are to interact with others with an open heart not with our eyes that can't see beyond the superficial (outer layer).

Although relationships are susceptible to sadness and difficulty, they enable us to love, care, grow and ultimately make us better people.

It's suggested that as we grow, we tend to veer off path and drift about aimlessly looking for meaning, purpose, a goal.

We do not realize that true beauty lies hidden within a shell - our eyes are blind, we need to look with our hearts.  Virtues like "loyalty" are intangible, not always visible but hidden within the secret depths of a person or the "tenderness of smiling faces".

As we mature from child to adolscent to adult to senior, it's suggested that we always maintain our innocence, imagination, creativity, curiosity and wonder that is often forgotten or replaced by what we consider to be more important values. 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


have math workbook 4.4 pg.40-41 assigned yesterday completed for corrections tomorrow.

Monday, 24 November 2014


Health/Media Literacy

Using MovieMaker, create a promotional video to raise awareness about the negative effects associated with children developing a sedentary (inactive) lifestyle in combination with a growing screen-time addiction, as per examples belows:

Friday, 21 November 2014


Novel Study: The Little Prince

The Little Prince meets a conceited man, a drunkard, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. 

He comes to know the absurdity or ridiculousness of adults.  He believes all work must serve a purpose, have meaning and be truly useful to others.  We are not be self-centred but rather caring and loving.

What is your opinion of each of these characters that he meets?

Why would the Little Prince compare grown-ups to Baobabs? What’s he trying to say?

What impression do you have of the snake?

Why do you think the inconsequential flower the Prince meets in the desert tells him that people don’t have roots and tend to drift about?

Remember to write in 1st person point of view when offering a personal opinion i.e. I feel... I think... I believe... I'm surprised by... I wonder... I can't understand why... I learned the importance of...  plus 1 supporting reason

Science Lab 5: Solutes vs Solvents (text pg.41)

A solvent, the large part of a solution, in which the solute dissolves.
i.e. sugar (solute) dissolves in hot coffee (solvent) because particles of each are strongly attracted to one another.

Purpose:  to compare how sugar (solute) dissolves in 3 different solvents - water, rubbing alcohol and oil.


1.  If I dissolve sugar (solute) in water (solvent), then I think the sugar particles with be very attracted to/somewhat attracted to/unattracted to the water particles and will dissolve quickly/somewhat quickly/not at all.

2.  If I dissolve sugar (solute) in rubbing alcohol (solvent)... same as above.

3.  If I dissolve sugar (solute) in oil (solvent)... same as above.


Experiment                                       Rate of Dissolution
Sugar in water
Sugar in oil
Sugar in rubbing alcohol


Questions B & C pg.41

Patterns/Relationships/Table of Values/Sequences

Thursday, 20 November 2014


  • Complete letter to Paul Fleishman on letterhead.
  • Complete inferencing theme of either Do They Know It's Christmas or Get It Together.
  • If you do have the supplies at home, begin working on your Science Lab: Solutes vs Solvents to record observations and record on table.
Creative job on melted crayon art pieces:

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Begin working on Science Lab 5 using this prompt:

Copy/paste your letter to author Paul Fleishman onto e-mailed letterhead.
Save to stick ready to print.

Continue working on song lyrics theme handout for Friday.

Begin working on silhouettes for melted crayon art task, as per example:

Math textbook corrections below.  Use them to check over corresponding workbook pages:

Tuesday, 18 November 2014



  • Begin working on inferencing handout based on our class team tasks.  Due Friday.
  • Continue revising/editing Paul Fleishman letter from our conferencing.
  •  Use any 1 frequency table from Food Show data to create a graph as taught using PowerPoint "add chart" application.  Submit by end of tomorrow, as per example:

Monday, 17 November 2014


Sample letter.  Begin drafting, structuring your ideas.  We will continue to conference, revise and edit throughout this week.  Print on letterhead & mail-out Friday.

U4: Patterns & Relationships
Complete Figure 1-4 + Table of Values