

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

oct 23 other reminders

  • final reading task questions assigned last week are due tomorrow
  • geography prezi continue this week (refer to the success criteria checklist!)
  • 8/27 art pieces from friday
  • science lab 2 incompletes

oct 23 math corrections & hmwrk

oct 23 novel creative writing

Creative Writing: Tuck Everlasting

After many years had passed, the Tucks returned to Treegap only to find that many things had changed and Winnie Foster Jackson’s tombstone that read beloved wife and mother.  If Winnie had left 4 separate cards, one addressed to each member of the Tuck family, what thoughts or parting words do you think she would have expressed to Mae, Angus, Miles and Jesse?

Success Criteria:

·         Work with a partner to balance your workload

·         Dear (name)

·         1st person point of view “I” Winnie is writing

·         Voice, feeling, heart-felt emotion from Winnie

·         Connection to what each Tuck taught her i.e. Mae-to be a loving mother, to face life with a positive attitude; Angus-life is natural, immortality is unnatural; Miles-to not be selfish and make a difference; Jesse-her lost love.

Post them up on side board by end of this week for grade.