

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

mini science lab prep

Refer to yesterday's science notes on blog about using sieves/filters & dissolving to separate the components of a mechanical mixture.

Bring in a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of pepper, 2 clear plastic cups and a paper coffee filter to conduct the mini lab which involves filtering and dissolving the parts of a mechanical mixture on page 61 of your text.  I'll bring in materials as well.

Refer to your previous science lab to follow the write-up format (purpose, hypothesis...observations, analysis, conclusion)

integers corrections & 6.1 hmwrk

art reminder

i have downloaded all the free patterns and value pack 1 - let me know which of them you want to do, otherwise, feel free to google a template of your choice

novel prezi plot diagram continued

See example below to add the following now that we have finished reading the novel:

  1. Turning Point (frame between rising action & climax)
  2. Climax
  3. Falling Action
  4. Resolution

representing & comparing integers

adding negative integers tutorial on Kahn Academy

comparing integers worksheet to complete in your math notebook: