Wednesday Reminders:
- Math: complete volume & surface area of rectangular prism task using formulas provided; Ms Scopa's students continue with Knowledgehook Mission 1 Numeracy.
- Geography: Regions presentations begin tomorrow and continue Friday; continue working on Niagara Escarpment task using brochure provided to answer questions.
- Science: observing a mixture lab due end of week with check for understanding
- Language: complete Amir & Florence short reading reflections
Thursday Reminders:
- Language: "Leona" thru "Florence" inferencing lessons task due Oct.21st
- Geography: Region presentations conclude tomorrow; Niagara Escarpment questions due tomorrow (refer to 2 brochures provided for responses).
- Math: Knowledgehook Mission A Review of Fractions, Decimals, Percents has been launched;, class code pogo3767, create account using e-mail, create password, begin mission.
- Yesterday's math corrections and today's Seedfolks notes below:
Friday Reminders:
- Math: continue with Knowledgehook mission fractions, decimals, percents review
- Math: Ms Scopa's students mission numeracy has been relaunched
- Science: begin unit 1 review classifying matter
- Novel study due Monday
- Take ownership for your learning by completing any outstanding assignments on your Task Tracker as it will be included with your upcoming Progress Report ;)