Geography Place & Location Task
- Select any place in Toronto or the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) that is of interest to you.
- Draw a relative map of its location. It should be enclosed within a quadrant with street boundaries to the north, south, west and east of it.
- What community within the city does it belong to?
- Provide specific directions to get there from St. Simon via car, public transit, walking and/or cycling.
- Describe the place. Is it part of residential complex, commercial/business park, industrial area, communal/cultural meeting place, recreational/conservation area, governmental buildings, spiritual/religious, or a tourist destination/attraction?
- Do you think the location of this place makes sense? Questions to consider when answering this question: What reasons do you think an urban planner located it there? Is it easily accessible? What surrounds it? Do you think the places/things that surround it complement its function?
- Why is it of interest or special to you?
- Does its name have any significance?
Math homework above.
Summer Prezis continue tomorrow.
Begin working on Geography independently or with 1 partner.
Check novel study sample response from class today with your response.