April 5 Substitute Agenda
Be good, cooperative and respectful - no negative reports about anyone, no misuse of netbooks ;)
Today's tasks:
Novel Study (individual task, MS Word, emailed)
The theme of a book is its main idea or message to you, the reader. (This is not a retell of the story). A work of literature can have more than one theme.
A Wrinkle in Time deals with many different themes— importance of family, religious connections, celebrating diversity, overcoming challenges, light/love/reason vs dark/hatred/ignorance etc. Ask yourself what L’Engle’s book is really about. Explain what you think is are most important themes of A Wrinkle in Time. Support your answer with details from the novel.
In regards to religion, think back to Aunt Beast's calling by God to heal others; think back to what can be seen is temporal and that what is important is unseen and based on faith; think about negativity (dark thing and hatred) vs positivity (light and love).
In regards to diversity, think about what Meg said at end of movie "like does not mean equal - you have to find your own beat"; uniqueness, diversity of ideas/opinions needs to be celebrated, respected not crushed and destroyed.
8.4 textbook pg.286-7 #3-11
8.4 workbook
Individually or with a partner, begin a science lab write up (purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedure, observations, analysis, conclusion) for 10.5 modelling internal forces of tension, compression, torsion and shear in textbook pg.282 procedure #1-7, analyze/evaluate a-d. Refer to science pkg about internal/external forces you completed this past Wed for any definitions.