

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Great job today on your science lab and math experiment (Vice Principal Graham was impressed with your teamwork skills) - if you have not completed/emailed both write-ups, kindly do so this week.  I am still waiting on a number of outstanding novel study plot diagram prezis - email your link, thank you.

Tomorrow we will attempt some still life art sketches (with pencil, charcoal, pencil crayon, pastel) of a variety of objects with a focus on light, shadow and symmetry.

I will bring in some objects including latte glass/mug, utility scissors, napkin holder, colander, cup/saucer/spoon, selection of kitchen utensils, small pot with handles, pair of shoes.

If you're set on something in particular, bring it in - if not, feel free to select anything from my objects to sketch.

Tomorrow, we also welcome teacher candidate Ms. Dziuba and we will be extra nice and courteous during her 3 week stay ;)