

Monday, 30 September 2019

Sept 30-Oct 4

Monday Reminders:

  • Math Percents Task: many remain incomplete today
  • Science Pure Substances vs Mixtures Task: many remain incomplete today
  • Geography: Humberlea Mental Map Task: many remain incomplete today
  • Math: relating fractions & decimals to measurement units
  • Seedfolks: complete Sam chapter theme of peace vs division
  • Geography: begin GTA regions
Wednesday Reminders:

  • Complete Seedfolks "Virgil"
  • note the following:
Thursday Reminders:
  • Task trackers home to parents for signatures
  • Mixed measurements corrections:

Friday Reminders:

  • Volume of Rectangular vs Triangular Prisms pgs46-47

Geography Regions Task exemplar:

Monday, 23 September 2019

Sept 23-27

Monday Reminders:

Get into habit checking class blog & ensuring your task tracker is up-to-date

Geography: Toronto Districts tri-fold due Sept.27th

Reading: Seedfolks Theme Assessment task (Chps 1-4 lessons/morals) due Sept 26th

Science: Pure Substances & Mixtures check understanding & lab 3 due Sept 30th

Math: Percents corrections & homework

Wednesday/Thursday Reminders:

Correct above pages then complete pg.16 comparing fractions, decimals, percents.

Complete Seedfolks chp5 Leona reading responses.

Geography: complete mental map with examples of commercial, recreational, industrial, institutional, and conservation sites.  Due Monday.

Friday Reminders:

Monday, 16 September 2019


Monday Reminders

Science: we begin "changes of state" check your understanding & lab #2

Geography: we being location of key Toronto districts

Math: numeracy corrections pg 7 

homework: begin pg 8 adding & subtracting repeating decimals

Language:  begin grammar package (spelling, capitalization, punctuation)

Tuesday Reminders:

Begin geography Toronto districts 

Math corrections pg8 adding repeating decimals - relating to fractions

Thursday Reminders:

Friday Reminders:
Complete Math Task pgs 1-10 for homework.  Due Monday.

Parent letter to be read & signed by end of next week.

Begin reading responses for Seedfolks novel study chp 4 Gonzalo

Continue Geography Districts.  To be wrapped up by end of next week for display.

Science Matter 2 check your understanding & lab due Monday.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Sept. 09-13

Science: matter context questions, orange juice responses, and mini lab following scientific method due Tuesday.

Geography write-up/sunglass art piece due Tuesday.

Tuesday we begin novel study of Seedfolks chapter 1:

Math weekend homework corrections; use a separate sheet of paper/notebook to show ALL your work, not just the answer, and make your corrections as shown below:

complete pgs 4-5

Continue working on Geography textbook questions place & location.

If you have access to a softball glove, bring it in for gym.

Tuesday reminders:

Wednesday reminders:

-revise & edit your science matter task; submit by Friday, Sept 13th according to the expectations we discussed today;

-complete reading responses to Kim chapter 1 Seedfolks; have ready to discuss tomorrow;

-complete your all about me following the sample provided; include a profile picture and symbol/icon that best represents your interests;

-math corrections using decimals to compare fractions pg.6 below.  study pgs 1-6 for a quiz tomorrow.  

Geography: Place & Location Humberlea-Pelmo Park

Complete pg7 of math and make corrections to your math quiz
complete All About Me - share via Google Docs for revision/edits, and printing