

Thursday, 19 December 2013


Dear 7s, I wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas break full of joy!
Thank you kindly for all your generous tokens of appreciation :)
Have a safe and restful holiday, see you all in the New Year!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Students (including rotary) are to work on math unit 4 chapter self-test and chapter review in textbook and complete all workbook pages for this unit.
Christmas concert in afternoon.
Intermediate yard duty 1.40
Italian 10.30-11.00
French 12.35-1.05
Everyone be good ;)

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Dec. 12

Collaborative Math Skype
Problem of The Week: Going to the Dogs

Take 4.2 workbook questions and organize into a table with 
Term # and Term Value showing the pattern

Geography Team Task using Appendix Maps due tomorrow!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Use the Map Appendix beginning on page 304 to answer the following in a group of 4:

What landforms characterize Canada & USA?  Name some Canadian provinces and American states where these landforms are located.  (pg.304)
What plates and/or fault lines surround the continent of North America? (pg.305)

Where are the earthquake regions located in Canada & USA? Name some provinces and states that are located in any of these regions.  (pg.306)

Name the climate regions that make up Canada & USA? Name some provinces and states that are located in any of these regions.  (pg.307)

What area of Canada has the highest annual precipitation?  What area of the USA has the highest annual precipitation? (pg.308)

What is the warmest area of Canada?  What is the coldest area of Canada?  What is the warmest area of USA?  What is the coldest area of USA? (pg.309)  Name any provinces or states in these areas.

What are the top 3 ecosystems of Canada & USA?  (pg.312)

What are the major rivers of Canada & USA? (pg.313)

What are the top 3 ways land is used in Canada & USA (pg.314)

What are the top 5 products cultivated in Canada & USA (pg.314)

Name capital cities (pg.316-7) China, Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Ukraine, Switzerland, Brazil, Argentina, Japan.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


U4 Patterns/Relationships
Do You Remember? corrections continued + workbook 4.1 corrections below:

Homework: Textbook pg.126 #6-11 + Workbook 4.2

Monday, 9 December 2013


Unit 4 Patterns/Relationships - Do You Remember + Workbook 4.1

e-mail any outstanding:
Geography Movement Prezi
Geometry Stained Glass Prezi 

Friday, 6 December 2013


Collaborative Math: Geometric Stained Glass Window Prezi 
Research - Design - Create

Well done! Miranda, Camilla, Isabelle, Dale:

Well done! Sarah, Meagan, Matthew, Christian:

Well done! Jorel, Sophia, Alexia, Gabby: 

Well done! Mario, Leonardo, Cristina, Emily:

Well done! Renzo, Isabella, Cosimo, Julian

Complete Math U4 Do You Remember for Monday corrections:

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Continue to work collaboratively on your geometry team task.
Share the Prezi amongst your group members allowing each member to contribute information to the development process.
Prototype, enlargement & Prezi due Friday.

This video should inspire us all to be creative, collaborative innovators.  "Less" truly is "More":

Monday, 2 December 2013


Begin documenting process of designing your geometric prototype in Prezi.  Follow example provided here:

Friday, 29 November 2013


Complete prototype geometric frame ready for cellophaning on Monday and begin documenting development progress on Prezi following this example:

Thursday, 28 November 2013


Congratulations Gr7s on receiving a response from Seedfolks author Paul Fleishman to your many letters!  Your letters were all very well written ;)

Fantastic Geography Prezis to showcase the theme of natural and human movements around the world:

Sophia & Jessica:  

Raquel & Madeline

Giulia, Alexia & Isabelle

Jorel, Colin & Christian

Camilla & Gabby

Rebecca, Beatriz & Meagan

Miranda & Sarah

Olivia, Nikki, & Isabella

Renzo & Adam

Ratios/Rates/Decimals/Percents Final corrections below:
Homework: Do You Remember Chapter 4 Patterning

Wednesday, 27 November 2013



Working collaboratively and constructively in groups of 4 maximum, your task is to research, design and create a geometric stained glass window to fill any size window at St. Simon.  Your design will be symmetrical and will include a variety of angles and shapes that have been rotated and reflected.  You will also photograph your process at various stages of development and showcase it on Prezi or MovieMaker.

Success Criteria:
- research images of stained glass windows
- browse through geometric art samples provided
- research stained glass window templates, how they are created
- identify points of symmetry that show balance/proportion
- identify shapes: triangles, trapezoids, paraellograms, hexagons, squares
- identify any angles: right, acute, obtuse
- identify any shape transformations: flips, turns
- incorporate these ideas into a prototype design using manipulatives (shape blocks) or computer software (Geometer's Sketchpad, PowerPoint shapes, Paint.Net)  Geometer's Sketchpad free download link 
- measure actual window to be fitted, record specifications
check fitting, make necessary adjustments 
- netbook, protractor, metre stick/measuring tape, colored cellophane, black bristol board for frame/skeleton

Di Croce Teams:
1.  Matthew, Christian, Meagan, Sarah
2.  Michael, Beatriz, Alona, Colin
3.  David, Jessica, Rebecca, Giulia
4.  Melissa, Austin, Johan, Jaden
5.  Sophia, Alexia, Gabby, Jorel
6.  Miranda, Isabelle, Dale, Camilla
7.  Juan, Cynthia, Martin, Kevin

Tassone Teams:
1.  Carter, Jessica, Nicholas, Hillary
2.  Nicole, Jacob, Adam, Victoria R.
3.  Isabella, Renzo, Cosimo, Julian
4.  Victoria C., Daniel, Manny, Olivia
5.  Madeline, Nathaly, Pauline, Raquel
6.  Cristina, Emily, Mario, Leo

Monday, 25 November 2013


Handout & Workbook Corrections